finding fierce

FIERCELast week I sat down and started making a list of goals. I rarely do this but need to do this. Setting goals provides a focus, a framework for action. I’ve learned the goals have to be specific and should be broken down into steps. Saying “I want to write a novel” is not enough fuel for action. Saying “I want to write a story about a woman waking up in a different world” gives a lot more information and ground work. Now I can break it down, ask questions – who is the woman? how old is she? what was she doing before she went to sleep? etc. etc. These questions become mini-goals on the way to the big one, the novel.

The same can be said for any goals – artistic, financial, business etc. I can say I want to achieve financial freedom, write a suite of poems or paint 20 pictures but unless I break it down into steps it remains a bit “pie in the sky”.
And then there’s my word for 2012: “FIERCE“. How fierce have I been lately?

According to dictionaries everywhere fierce is about things  “menacingly wild, savage, or hostile” or “violent in intensity, eagerness” with the opposite being about mildness.

I chose my word for its intensity and strength. I want and need to push through my blocks to creativity and productivity. This word is my sword and shield. One of my goals is to make a talisman or charm of the word to wear. A reminder for me when I feel lost and am facing a blank page or canvas. It might also serve to make me into a poet warrior. Fighting for the recognition of small words, carefully chosen and intricately worked together to create mood and story.

And why do I feel that it is a fight? How much poetry have you read lately? I was surprised and annoyed when I checked several big online bookstores and realized none of them had a poetry category. Obviously not a big seller and yet poetry can incite, inspire, paint pictures and tell stories.

More later on my fierce battle plan.


  1. I love that your word is ‘fierce.’ I think we all get caught up in trying to come up with that peaceful touchy feely word. You know the one that comes to us when we are doing yoga – YAY FIERCE!

    Hope to read more about your ‘battle plan.’

  2. Part of the plan is to “work fierce” whether in paint, wax, clay or word. The bigger battle plan is incubating.
    Thanks for reading and responding.

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