The other day I briefly listened in on a book launch celebration. The book is “How to Sell Your Art Online” by Cory Huff of I came away with this: “Go deep into an idea, look at different angles, create a series using any art forms you want. In this way a specific idea gets carried though into your art , challenges your creativity and creates a distinctive series of work through the lens of yourself.”
I was inspired. It clicked with what I said in my last post “turning point”.
I have three series ideas and right now I’m leaning towards “bees”. I have my identity caught up with them since my name means bee but the real influence has been the constant buzz in our garden. Maybe it’s because we live close to a bee farm & meadery but I suspect we just have really good bee attracting plants. The biggest attractant has been the blue blooms of our California lilacs. They’re ebbing now but when they were full and fragrant the shrubs were alive with bees. And as I observed, the bees came in all shapes, sizes and colours. I did a quick search about them and it turns out there are 450 species of bee in BC. I didn’t know there were so many different types – honey bees, bumble bees, hairy-belly bees, mining bees . . . and all are important pollinators and vital to the ecosystem.
And so my focus will be on a series about bees. I’m not sure how it will unfold but I did get a start this spring taking bee photos. I’ve been applying some apps to the images and getting some interesting “iphonegraphy” images
Same bee – found resting on my deck – with two different apps applied (plus various manipulations of vibrance and contrast etc.
Onwards into research and exploration in various media/mediums!