will this word in your hand work for you?
be your friend, maybe your lover?
will this word be tamed shaped changed strung on a chain & worn?
More words from the exercise piece. I don’t know if I want to go in this direction but I will play it out for a day or two and then try to change direction using day 24 as the jumping off piece.
But then again there is the pull of the landscape. Today we went up to Port Renfrew and across to Cowichan Lake. We stopped to see the “Harris Creek Sitka Spruce”. It’s old and very big yet I can’t find any info on it via google. The forest there is very damp and mossy and there were pink fawn lilies blooming on the forest floor. It was calm and calming. I may be rethinking my chain of words at this point. Below: the massive base of the sitka spruce rumored to take 15 people to form a ring around it.