Poetry Month & the Twitter Project

April is poetry month & the start of my tweet poetry project. I will be posting short poems & poetic fragments for a later building project. If you don’t have twitter you can follow my progress daily on this blog where I will also post my “tweet poems”. For those of you who don’t know […]

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the gathering

the gathering has begun. I am sifting through notebooks and bits of paper for word treasure. I have a tendency to write ideas, small poems etc. down and then wander away. Now I am circling back, looking for what I have left behind. and I am surprised by my words. they speak of spirit and […]

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this beginning

where sky and ocean meet there is a thin white line i seek entrance like a student at a buddhist temple or a tourist on a mountain top I have lived on Vancouver Island for almost three years. I am taking it in, trading mountain,  foothills and field for forest, beach and ocean. Over the […]

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