Art Explorations, Experiments and Expression

media words + words

I am an intuitive creator. I like to play with plaster, paint, paper, encaustics, inks . . .  You get the idea. Experimentation is key. All my current work is done on wood panels, a sturdy surface to layer up on and easy to hang.  Some of the pieces have accompanying poems and some are poems.

after the apple

This piece was created in response to one of my poems in my early chapbook “peel the red apple” - a layering of colour and mood over textured plaster.

i keep telling you to peel the red apple. before you bite into it,
peel the apple. hang the skin from the tree, proof of your kill.
bite into it. swallow. i keep telling you. use your teeth. have
you learned nothing from history?

outside herself

words free float
reform into different ideas
all she needs

to do
is inhale
to bring back
her self

if only you could fly

on this edge of living vicariously
if only you could fly
live romantically on the wind
become a colour in the corner of someone’s eye

bow to the blank

color it this way
hold paintbrushes in both hands
bow to the shadow
bow to the blank white
tell no one of your intentions

revere the seed

the sky so still & clear
i don’t have to tell you about the blue
look straight up/admire flight & yellow petals in the wind
revere the seed