I've been battling with white space and have been pushing against it. I've juggled words, stanzas and concepts as well as projects - personal, voluntary and professional.
As I progress through the work/play of abstracting word & image I am working on a new chapbook with the working title "abstracted" though there is another potential chapbook trying to get my attention.
I've also participated and facilitated a group of writers in some chapbook creation. A beautiful project that sustained me through the winter of the pandemic was a group chapbook of poetry. The idea was hatched when my poetry feedback group decided we needed a project. The project acted like a target/focus for our writing. We worked and met every two weeks via Zoom for several months. The result: All the Elements - Seven Poets from Sooke, published in 2021. Inspired by our experience, we published another chapbook in 2022, Where We Reside - Poems of Time and Place and in 2023, Beyond the Moment - Writing from the edge of the Salish Sea.
Freshly published in April 2024 is Circle Route - explorations & journeys.
I have self published two chapbooks of my poetry. They are printed on laser and inkjet printers, hand trimmed, folded and sewn.
My chapbook on location - poems from Vancouver Island was published in 2015. For more about the chapbook forming process see my blog entry "poems from Vancouver Island"
in this island place
we see in all directions
home is everywhere
The book is 28 pages of poetry and image, designed & formatted, printed with inkjet and laser printers, hand-folded and sewn with waxed linen thread. You can purchase it for $13 in Canada
My first chapbook peel the red apple was published in 2005
there are some truths i would not tell you
too much beauty can hurt
the truth of the field you must find yourself