Twitter Project day 17 – I’ll meet you there

Yes the rain is falling today. Last night the sky was full of stars and I saw a thin crescent moon much like that snap pea. Today the sky is cloud covered and my world is wet and green – a bright contrast to the dry brown landscape of Calgary where I was visiting. In my attempt to continue yesterday’s poem I have played with the concept of darkness and what cannot be seen in the night but is sometimes felt. As I worked with the words to convey this idea and keep to the size limitations of the twitter space I came up with a couple of concepts: “in the night all shades of green are the same” and “everything is a shadow of itself”.
The first variation (too long at 164 characters) went this way:

in the night all shades of green are the same
everything is a shadow of itself leading deeper into mystery
a quiet place of rest
follow the moon, I’ll meet you there

which then got pared down to:

here in the night everything is a shadow of itself
leading deeper into mystery
a quiet place of rest
follow the moon, I’ll meet you there

“I’ll meet you there” just appeared in my head space. It is from a poem I love by Jelaluddin Rumi, a 13th century Sufi poet:

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
doesn’t make any sense

and the work continues