Twitter Project day 19 – the thin place

clouds tumble over themselves to reach the horizon first a thin place between ocean & sky that helps the eye separate those two blue spaces I’m in that thin place right now. No separation. No solid ground. I reach for words to steady me.

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Twitter Project day 18 – guiding waters

the other word for blue opposite to sky but not opposed sometimes green dappled flush with silver flash & a black white of something bigger Thinking about the ocean today. Looking at the changes as a light fog blew in this morning followed by clearing skies and some late afternoon sunshine. The ocean has been […]

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Twitter Project day 17 – I’ll meet you there

Yes the rain is falling today. Last night the sky was full of stars and I saw a thin crescent moon much like that snap pea. Today the sky is cloud covered and my world is wet and green – a bright contrast to the dry brown landscape of Calgary where I was visiting. In […]

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Twitter Project day 16 – more sky gazing

tonight the moon is a forgotten light thin & tender as a young snap pea it could be taken by a garden thief or buried under tomorrow’s rain On a sleepless night I thought of the moon. I was missing it and wondered what phase it was in. I remembered how many times I’d been […]

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Twitter Project day 15 – unknown child

in the kind light of morning raven sings a song of coarse turning on this green day side of the door keyhole child is found And who or what is “keyhole child”? I don’t know today. I’m hoping by tomorrow he/she will take shape and let me finish the story. I feel a need for […]

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Twitter Project day 14 – turn of a key

Time to breathe, to take time and stretch it out, to meditate. I am surprised by this picture I am creating, some strange story of raven, key and child. I know it is influenced by my current situation – by the rhythms I am keeping with my granddaughters, with stories read and songs sung. I […]

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Twitter Project day 13 – enter a door

I’m flying by the seat of my pants, improvising, inventing, throwing away and trying over. So much work for a few lines that might not survive past this month. The story unfolds before me. I did not know there was a key when I began and now that there is a key, I find a […]

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