Happy Day!
Winter solstice. This morning dawned crisp and clear. Today is the shortest day of the year. Tomorrow the world turns to lengthening days and shorter nights. A time for celebration, for coming out of the dark. A movement towards clarity.
read more→painted sky
This morning a most incredible painted sky full or glowing pink and orange. The photo can’t duplicate this but it is a marker for this day, a reminder of a sigh released. I am part way through some small paintings and moving myself in the direction of unfinished stories with the intention of finishing. Though […]
read more→My New Year
Today is the start of my new year. I measure it by my birthday. I don’t have resolutions but I have intentions. I think of intention as a direction, a path to follow as opposed to making promises to myself. It’s overcast and warm here today. I can look out the window and see the […]
read more→creativity and business
Late last night I halfway launched my new business model called “EarthWord Creative, development services for artists and writers”. It’s not finished because my learning curve had a high arc and I had to redo some technical details that momentarily knocked me off center and left me speechless. Now that I am back on the […]
read more→through the keyhole
One small movement in the write direction. I submitted a short story this week and now I’m thinking of what else and where else. The new year beckons – mine begins on December 15th.
read more→surrendering
I’ve spent the last few days responding to certain tasks I’ve set myself. For my writing task I’ve edited a story I wrote but never submitted. One more quick edit and it will be submitted this week. For my art task I’ve prepped cradle boards I made the other […]
read more→learning by heart
working on many levels. in my office: sorting and recycling as I go through saved files that haven’t been opened for a while. in my studio: sorting and regrouping as I strive to make a good working space for my encaustic work. I’ve got sample boards ready to go and a pile of 8 in. […]
read more→Practical Magic
It seems to me I’ve become a hoarder of ideas – stacking them up in precarious piles. They are almost pretty to look at – lots of color, texture, tone and contrast. I have stacks of papers, notebooks, sketchbooks, photographs and file folders (real and virtual) full of ideas, notes and lessons learned in various […]
read more→found times 3
→ one stone → one thought turned over → another day
read more→when the path veers
So I’m all set to melt and move waxy colors, dig, smear, embed, write and all the rest. My studio is equipped and I am ready to create. Then a phone call Tuesday morning and my path shakes, veers. My father-in-law has passed away. He was ill but his passing was fast – and it […]
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