When we think to ourselves, “I have nothing unique to say,” we are thinking with our surface mind. The surface mind is an idiot. It knows nothing. -Steven Pressfield The other day I received a blog post called “Something Unique To Say” by Steven Pressfield, author of ‘The War of Art”. It was a booster […]
read more→Creative Inspiration
Last night my husband and I volunteered at the fabulous Sooke Fine Arts Show. It was Purchasers Preview Night, a ticketed event that allows people a preview/purchase time with the artwork before the show is open to the public. With over 275 pieces of artwork in a range of media from Vancouver Island and B.C. coastal islands […]
read more→My 7 days at MISSA
In recovery from an intense 7 days at MISSA. First, I had 5 days of “Write for Your Life” – a mixture of discussion, writing practice and critique with the high point being a private sessions with writer Brian Brett to receive feedback on writing I had sent in the week before. Very helpful. I’m […]
read more→off and on
I’ve been offline lately – offline in terms of my websites and blog and offline in terms of my creative process. Some people call this a block, some call it drawing a blank. Whatever you call it, it involves a kind of blankness or unconsciousness for me, since desire/intent cannot always move it or cause […]
read more→Resumed
My month long pause has ended on an exhale. I am back to creating and am currently working on a couple of short stories as well as putting together some ideas for a large mixed media piece. The inspiration for the piece came from an awakening of sorts. By chance I stumbled upon an artist’s […]
read more→Paused
A pause in breath is a small suspension in time. To be fierce is to know when to bow to the pause – honour the state of suspension instead of fearing it. the breath does continue. the horizon unfolds. some kind of life goes on.
read more→being Fierce
I am hanging onto my word, searching the shape and sound of the letters to strengthen my energy and creativity. It’s tough work being Fierce. Last week we had a lot of snow which is not typical for us on Vancouver Island. It lasted for a few days and made a lot of people stay […]
read more→finding fierce
Last week I sat down and started making a list of goals. I rarely do this but need to do this. Setting goals provides a focus, a framework for action. I’ve learned the goals have to be specific and should be broken down into steps. Saying “I want to write a novel” is not enough […]
read more→Out with the old
in with the new. I’ve decided to totally revamp my studio website. It’s gone through a few revisions over the years and then I decided to create a website in my name. I now mostly reside at So I am going to revamp and create a place for study and community. This is […]
read more→for 2012
my direction for the year
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