mandala inspiration

I like exploring many different media/mediums. The latest has been explorations with digital photography and photoshop and it has been an exciting journey. I’ve been creating mandala inspired images by combining and recombining a single image. I’ve used my photos of the local landscape, close-ups of things like plants, chameleon skin and shield lichen plus photos of my art work – and there are more experiments to come. I’ve printed a number of images and adhered them to wood panels for a local art show at the Coast Collective in Colwood, BC and also created some for Biggest, Littlest Christmas Craft Fair in Sooke. I will also be showing my copper pendants and other prints at the Sooke craft fair.

Below are a few of my favourite images taken from a photo of shield lichen on a tree:

To see more of my mandala inspired images go to the works page.