On Being

I asked myself to do something difficult – so difficult that is was inevitable that I would not be able to fulfil the promise. It sounded simple – post here everyday. It sounded easy and it sounded like a good thing to do for myself. But I set myself up to fail. To commit to a daily task after so many daily tasks. To commit to a daily task that shouldn’t be a task at all.

My intentions were sincere but unrealistic – more so in this time of pandemic, separation and uncertainty.

Better instead to take care. To pay attention to small things that inspire me, move me, make me smile, strengthen my spirit.

Be with those who help your being.
Jalal al-Din Rumi

A beautiful project that sustained me through the winter of the pandemic, All the Elements – Seven Poets from Sooke is a group chapbook of poetry newly published. The idea was hatched when my poetry feedback group decided we needed a target or project for our writing. We worked and met every two weeks via Zoom for several months.  The chapbook is the result.

The project was part of my self-care.


Front & back covers: