My month long pause has ended on an exhale. I am back to creating and am currently working on a couple of short stories as well as putting together some ideas for a large mixed media piece.
The inspiration for the piece came from an awakening of sorts. By chance I stumbled upon an artist’s site, wood carvings by Robyn Gordon. When the page opened I was shocked. It was a strange form of recognition. For a moment I felt I was looking at my own work. Not that I have been copied or am about to copy. There was something in the style, the images, the materials, that made me inhale in surprise. Things I had been holding onto – small sketches, little pieces of metal, wood, stone, words, small carvings and sculpture all fell into place inside me.
And in the same intake of inspiration I started a Pinterest account. Pinterest is an online pinboard. It enables you to collect images from the web for inspiration, to show your interests etc.
I’ll be using mine to remember things that inspire me, pass on info and connect with others.
Later this month: the movement toward April. April is National Poetry Month and I want to celebrate it once more with daily poetics. More on this later this month.