separate and together

There are times I feel separate and separated. I have a website in my name and a website in my studio’s name and other websites to go with other things I do. I’ve been trying to keep them separate as if they are secret identities – as if I must soon choose to be only one of them. That’s the “separate and separated” part.

The “together” part? It’s a work in progress.

Not everyone understands why (or how) I do so much. Much as in many different things. Much as in website design and implementation. Much as in photography, writing, painting, shaping copper into various forms of curio. . .

“Do one thing” some people say. Well I say I do. I do one thing at a time. 🙂

A few weeks ago I created some mixed media pieces. I had prepared the textured plaster base on wood panels weeks before. I let them age (as I did) and when the time was right – I painted & collaged until I was satisfied. The other morning I worked on a poem I had started a few years ago as an exercise (“write a ghazal”) and put aside. Now it’s morphing out of that form and closer to being finished. Yesterday I had an idea of a different type of bracelet so I went into the workshop to create a prototype (which I am now wearing).

When I walk the dogs I look around me. Sometimes it results in a bit of “philosophization”. Sometimes I take photos. Sometimes I record lines of poetry for future poems. There is a lot going on in my incubator. It’s how I roll and it’s what keeps me feeling truly alive. All the things I do feed each other – and me.

It is all about creation.

It is often said “Do what you love.” I am – in all its forms.

Thanks for coming along for the ride.

the buzzside note: I’ve been working on an online store to show & sell some of what I do. I hope to launch it very soon BUT SHEESH! there might be a mail strike here. In the meantime if you’re interested in what I do and might do – please sign up for my new newsletter EarthWord buzz – first issue due out in early September. Like me, it’s sure to be an eclectic mix of word & image.

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