I am taking a free online course that currently has over 3000 people from all over the world participating. It’s called How Writers Write Poetry (put on by the University of Iowa) and it has me thinking deeply and putting more practice in my poetry writing practice.
Then there is the “throng”. – an energetic, always moving, crowd of people speaking. . .
It’s difficult to know where to jump in to participate and be heard. And I’m thinking that it doesn’t matter. That the learning and the practice are what matters and anything else is a bonus. I am awed by the community, by the number of people workings as poets and/or becoming poets. Somehow I don’t feel as lonely.
Writing note: I’m currently working on a collection of poetry. No title as yet. Some word snippets to follow.
Art note: I’ve split myself up and moved the art from dlclay.com to my revised studio site: EarthWord Studios. The creativity is flowing and after a weekend workshop in encaustic monotype I am restless to create.

experimental encaustic monotype
I am thoroughly enjoying the course as well. It’s been so inspiring and since I started, I’ve written one poem and two haikus. Very productive for me, as I usually write very few poems a year, and sometimes none. I’m glad you’re finding it as valuable as I am!
The course videos definitely help to unclog the poetic veins and arteries and get the words flowing. Happy to hear you are inspired and are writing more poetry. I’m sure it will help with your creative flow in general – maybe even add some “new” content to your screen plays. (any poets hiding in your characters?) 🙂