introvert 2


I’ve been so immersed in my work that I haven’t talked about it lately. That’s a regular pattern for me. Dive in, go deep, then come up for air. I’m up now. Here’s what’s been happening: after a summer full of intentions I was not able to follow through on a number of them as […]

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shield 1

mandala inspiration

I like exploring many different media/mediums. The latest has been explorations with digital photography and photoshop and it has been an exciting journey. I’ve been creating mandala inspired images by combining and recombining a single image. I’ve used my photos of the local landscape, close-ups of things like plants, chameleon skin and shield lichen plus […]

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something left

moving out of the dark

Every so often I abandon myself – ok – sounds weird – but I’m talking about what happens when I ignore core elements, those things that are essential to who I am. When I abandon art and writing projects that made my heart beat faster when I conceived of them, my heart slows . . […]

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revere the seed

multi, mixed and moving

My creative work is based on word & image. That covers a lot of ground! Sometimes I work in words – creating poetry or story – and other times I work in images in a variety of media. There are times when I combine the two. I’ve created altered images of my photography and added […]

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seeking inspiration

Coffee is my wake-me-up and often fuels me throughout the day. Growing up I drank Red Rose tea from an early age – a very British thing to do. Once I got into university I tried coffee and loved the taste (well sometimes the campus coffee was awful) and the boost it gave me. Of […]

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