being Fierce

I am hanging onto my word, searching  the shape and sound of the letters to strengthen my energy and creativity. It’s tough work being Fierce.

Last week we had a lot of snow which is not typical for us on Vancouver Island. It lasted for a few days and made a lot of people stay home.  To accompany the weather I experienced “brain  freeze”.

island snow

Often bad weather gets me in a creative productive mode but this time I was distracted. I watched the weather change the sky constantly as squalls swept down on us. I photographed the snow disguising our yard. I ate things like soup and veggie stew and bread. I went deep into myself and instead of finding inspiration I seemed to go into some weird kind of semi-hibernation mode. Very little creative action occurred. I got a little worried, then upset. and then I realized it was more likely a small time out. I needed a break, a time to gather information and inspiration. It was nothing permanent, nothing defective. Sometimes being Fierce is to be quiet, listening and observing. Sometimes it means to pause.


Posted in everything, progress.