My Tribe

My writing group, the Sooke Writers’ Collective, has been working toward a 2015 anthology since last fall. It is a professionally designed and printed book – one hundred and fourteen pages this year with nineteen participants, five of which are high school students. The five are winners of our annual student writing contest we host […]

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into May

Somehow I find myself in May. April flew by with visits to family, several birthday celebrations, work and writing. I finished off the month by attending the Cascadia Poetry Festival in Nanaimo for three days. My days at the festival opened my eyes to new possibilities in my writing and inspired and educated me in […]

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broken promises

I look back to the beginning of the month to see what I have pledged in the name of “poetry month” and I feel disappointed. A poem a day for me is not realistic in light of all the other commitments I have made for my businesses and my self. It’s time to pull back. […]

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day 3 – following the moon

    Sorting through my social media. Yikes! I have a blog (ok 2), a couple of Facebook business pages and a seldom used twitter account and maybe instagram. Hmm – thinking about the idea of “I’m not talking because I don’t have a lot to say”. And now thinking that is not true though […]

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poetry day 2

Two days in and I have written/almost written two poems. I am honoring my commitment to the writing but sometimes the writing falls short. Yesterday I “wrote” a poem while walking my dog. When I’m only walking one dog I have more flexibility to let my thoughts roam. I camed up with a few potential […]

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