of poetry

April is poetry month. That phase is echoing over the internet and maybe a little attention is being drawn to the history of poetics. Search “history of poetry” and you will find many references to poetry pre-dating written language. It was often used as a tool to record events, tell stories and accompany music. It […]

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6 days later

Last Sunday I was fortunate to attend a poetry master class with Phil Hall called the Poetics of Sequence. Phil Hall was the 2011 winner of the Governor General’s Literary Award for Poetry and the Trillium Book Award for his collection of essay-poems Killdeer. Killdeer is a book I have not read but will be reading […]

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begin again

in the spirit of the solstice I am beginning “again”. I have come to realize that I cannot separate all that I am. To put the writer in one box and the artist in another. In essence I am a maker, one who makes. and sometimes I just write it out: endeavour no bravery here. […]

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Almost Ready

In my hand – the Sooke  Writers’  Collective Anthology.  I’m holding the proof.  The interior “passed” and we altered the back cover and it is now at the printers. Tentatively it will be ready for the end of next week with plenty of time to plan our launch at the Sooke Rotary Fair on May […]

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Day One

For most of my life I have been a chronic writer. I write about problems and my search for solutions. I write my reaction to a news story that hits me emotionally, knocks me off my feet. I write about what I see out the window, what moves me or what I think I want.  […]

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