in a raindrop i had it all in the palm of my hand opened and alive the perfect opposite of small one globe of pure water showing me the face of the unknown
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one thought
to write a poem you can run your hand over
read moreThe Ugly Truth
So here it is – the base for my latest series based on some twitter poetry I did last year. (see the April 2010 archives for full details). It’s at the ugly stage. It’s very ugly to me but I decided to post it here in the spirit of creativity and as a witness (for […]
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from a work in progress: from calloused hands, garden dirt and shoeless feet can come a clean lightness of being from hands hardened in morning light shaping intention into new diameters and feet eased by ocean’s lap can come a blue sense undone i wait here to feel it happen to unravel two years of […]
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I’ve been out in the field for a long time searching for inspiration. I’ve gone through Stephen King’s “On Writing” and Eric Maisel’s “Creativity for Life”. I’ve read mysteries, short stories, poetry and science fiction as well as literary journals like the Malahat Review. I have faced the blank page and the blank canvas and […]
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