There’s something energizing about being in the same room with “like” people. Last week I spent 5 energizing days at MISSA (Metchosin International Summer School of the Arts) in a workshop that was quite different from anything I’ve taken. Instead of the touch of clay or the impulse of paint and paper I learned how to make art with my iPhone. I became one of those bent-head people. The ones you see hunched over their small screens but instead of texting I was texturing, colouring, altering and layering photographs.
Some quick responses from others were “that’s not art” and taken at the basic first steps I can understand it. An app that takes your photo of a flower and turns it into a water colour “painting” is not art making. But what about the layering and altering of images to create something entirely different and original? That’s art – even if you brush and medium come out of an iPhone.
I am inspired by the potential to combine images and words in entirely new ways. Here are some beginner image combinations and alterations.