Due to a power failure on Tuesday night that extended into Wednesday evening I did not post for two of my self-promised days. So here we go:
Tuesday I brainstormed with poets, sharing words of encouragement and exploration. We wondered about the writing of poetry, the rhythm, cadence, sound, word choice and intention. We asked each other what was the difference between poetry and prose and whether it had to do with line length, punctuation and margins or more about word placement and usage.
Then I remembered a quote from poet Lucille Clifton and it all came together for me: “you come to poetry not out of what you know but out of what you wonder”.
I wonder and I wander – poetry comes out of it eventually.
This scene motivates me to create – there’s something about the lines, tone and light. I shall see where it leads.
Zombie day. I was the zombie.
So over-tired after a night of listening to a storm haunt with wind and rain. The power went off on Tuesday night and remained off for almost 20 hours. My husband dropped me off at the gallery where I volunteered so I could use the wifi/power there for the day. Somehow I got some work done though the day is quite a blur. Once home with the light failing and the power still off we fired up the generator and laid out extension cords to various parts of the house. The day remains a blur of dark and light, fallen trees, scattered branches, a broken flagpole, a missing hummingbird feeder and a greenhouse blown to bits by rogue blasts of wind.
I almost slept all night and felt better rested though I suspect I still have sleep to catch up on. Today was a different kind of blurry day as I made my way through website work, emails and a phone call from my ninety year mother wondering where I was yesterday.
I’ve caught up on most of my work and have promised myself some time to indulge in a workshop on cyanotypes that begins tomorrow. I adore learning new techniques and art styles and can’t wait to experiment. I see it as something to combine with my poetry in a chapbook and as a new way to express myself about the landscape by using pieces of the landscape. 🙂
Checked out Shari Replogle Workshop of Cyanotypes.
Found many ideas and ways of working with wax and other materials. Inspired me to pull out the cold wax and get to work.
Thanks Deb for posting