this lovely disorder

in a mood

I have been silent for quite a while now, letting my commitments to others (work and volunteer positions) take over my days. I’ve been soul searching since December trying to deal with fading dreams and the idea of getting old(er) along with  fears and questions about the future in these unsettled times. Emotionally, physically and […]

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introvert 2


I’ve been so immersed in my work that I haven’t talked about it lately. That’s a regular pattern for me. Dive in, go deep, then come up for air. I’m up now. Here’s what’s been happening: after a summer full of intentions I was not able to follow through on a number of them as […]

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beach thoughts

execution & the pain of change

My new year always begins with my December birthday. Since that day I have been reviewing my process and progress – in art and in life. January 1st adds to the energy of my process. There is a confusion of advice about intentions, goals, planning and resolutions. For the most part I resist the noise […]

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shield 1

mandala inspiration

I like exploring many different media/mediums. The latest has been explorations with digital photography and photoshop and it has been an exciting journey. I’ve been creating mandala inspired images by combining and recombining a single image. I’ve used my photos of the local landscape, close-ups of things like plants, chameleon skin and shield lichen plus […]

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something left

moving out of the dark

Every so often I abandon myself – ok – sounds weird – but I’m talking about what happens when I ignore core elements, those things that are essential to who I am. When I abandon art and writing projects that made my heart beat faster when I conceived of them, my heart slows . . […]

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